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Side Hustles

What is a side hustle? 


I think we all have our own definition of what a side hustle is. Mine is this.


A side hustle is a business or money making activity which can be started outside your 9 to 5 job.


A side hustle can be started with little to no start-up costs, no specialized skills, and is something which can be started pretty quickly with a goal to quickly see if something is successful before investing a lot more time and effort into it. 


Many people seem to think a Side Hustle is too small or beneath them. To me a side hustle is a launch pad. It can be started quickly, easily, and cheaply with no risk, and if it shows promise it can also be grown into something much bigger. 


Each week I do a series on Youtube Tuesdays and Thursdays where we share the story of a different Entrepreneur who starts a side hustle outside of their 9 to 5 job. 

Be Featured On My Youtube Side Hustle Series
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